Fax API for integration partners

Need to integrate fax functionality into your business software?  Our developer-friendly API makes adding fax to your applications simple and seamless.


mFax’s programmable API integrates into your software quickly and easily

You’ve built software that your customers love. Integrating fax functionality will take your application to the next level; mFax provides your customers the best and most reliable cloud fax service.

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Quick & easy Integration

Our platform is built to meet the most stringent of security standards. Learn more about how we secure your data.


Developer-friendly REST:API

mFax’s developer-friendly API is built on RESTful architecture and easily integrates into existing applications, systems, and workflows for a seamless fax experience.


Secure, encrypted, & сompliant

mFax employs a number of security and encryption measures to ensure the safest faxing environment and compliance with such as HIPAA, GLBA, SOX, and PCI-DSS.

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Helpful API resources

Have more questions? Check out our resources or call us to discuss your needs right away

+1 (888) 966-4922
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of our customers stay for life


curl  -X POST 'https://api.documo.com/vl/fax/send'  
-H 'Authorization: Basic YOUR API KEY' 
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data'  
-F 'recipientFax=12345678900' 
-F 'coverPage=true'  
-F 'recipientName=John Snow'
-F 'subject=Winter is coming'  
-F 'notes=This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter' 
-F ' =@/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf'

Curl code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

require 'net/http' , require  'uri'
uri  =  URI . parse ( "https : //api.documo.com/v1/fax/send" )  request  =  Net: : HTTP: :
Post . new (uri)  request . content_ type  = "multipart/form-data"
request[ "Authorization" ] = "Basic YOUR API KEY" request . set_form_data( 
"recipientFax" => "12345678900",  "coverPage" => "true", "recipientName" => "John
Snow" , "subject" => "Winter is coming" ,  "notes"  =>  "This fax is gonna let you
know about the coming winter ''  ''  =>  "@/home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf " , 
reg options = {
use ssl: uri.scheme ==  "https", 
response =  http. request  (request), puts response.   read  .  .  /common/templates  _layout

Ruby code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

import  requests
|  url  =  "http://api.documo.com/vl/fax/send',
headers  =  {
'Authorization':'Basic YOUR API KEY',' Content-Type ':' multipart/form-data '  ,
data  =  [
('recipientFax','12345678900') , ' ( ' coverPage ' ,   true ) ,
(  ' recipientName ' ,  'John Snow '  ) ,  ' (  ' subiect ' ,  ' Winter is coming '  ) ,  
( ' notes ' ,  ' This
fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter '
files  =  [
( " ' ,  open ( ' /home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf '  ' rb '  ) ) ,
requests . post ( url,   headers=headers ,  data=data ,  files=files ) ,

Phyton code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

$ client   =   new   http \ Client;
$ request   =   new http \ Client \ Request;

$body  =  new http\Message\Body;
$body -> addForm(array(  "recipientFax'  =>  '12345678900', 
' recipientName ' => 'John Snow' ,  ' subject '   => ' Winter is coming' , 
'notes' => This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter ), array(
'name' => ' '
'type' => null,
'file' => ' /home/vlad/Downloads/Winter.pdf ' , 
"data' => null
) ) ;
$request -> setRequesturl( ' https://api.documo.com/v1/fax/send ' ) ; $request -
> setRequestMethod (   'POST'   )  ; $request -> setBody ( $body ) ;
$request -> setHeaders ( array (
'Authorization' => ' Basic YOUR API KEY "  ) ) ;
$client->enqueue  (  $request)->send( ) ; $response = $client -> getResponse ( ) ;
echo $response -> getBody ( ) ;  

PHP code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

const fs = require ( " fs " ) ;
const request = require ("request")
let fileName ="/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf"
request ( {
method: ' POST ',  url : ' https :  / / api.documo.com/vl/fax/send', headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic YOUR API KEY', ' content-type ' : ' multipart / form-data '
formData: {
recipientFax: '12345678900', coverPage: true, recipientName: 'John Snow' ,
subject: 'Winter is coming ' ,  notes: ' This fax is gonna let you know about the
coming winter' ;
files:  {
value: fs.createReadStream(fileName),  options: {

filename: fileName contenTType: 'application/pdf"
} , function (  error, response,  body )  { 
'console. log (body);  }  )  ;

Node.js code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

Here are a few things you might want to ask us about

Didn't find an answer? You can go to our Help center or contact us by email

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Ask us anything!

How do I build a Fax API in Javascript?

Our API documents include instructions and samples for programming in Python, PHP, Ruby, cURL, and Javascript. Use these instructions and samples to guide you in integrating the mFax API with your business's software.

What can connect to a fax API?

With our in-depth API instructions available in several programming languages, you can integrate mFax into almost any software, whether proprietary to your company or not.

How do I make a fax API work with outlook?

Because mFax is a web-based program, you don't have to do a lot to make it work with any email program that you use, including Outlook. For general emailing, you can send a fax as an email by using the fax number and adding "@send.mfax.io" in the "To:" field. Attach the fax document to the email and send. However, you can also use program-specific fax settings.

Do I need a fax API?

If your company requires a scalable solution for computer-based faxing, mFax’s robust API could help. With this, you can automate processes or make a tailored option for the way your business faxes. The great part about mFax is that you can integrate its API into your in-house software or customize it on a developer level, using a variety of common programming languages .

Do I need a fax machine to use the API?

No. Physical fax machines are not required to send or receive faxes through the mFax API. However, we have a variety of solutions available to help you integrate your physical fax machines and MFPs so that you can continue to use those devices to fax using mFax’s secure network.

Is your fax API HIPAA compliant?

Whatever program or method used for faxing sensitive documents and medical records, you must adhere to HIPAA regulations. mFax includes a host of important privacy and security features that makes our service fully compliant with all relevant regulations outlined in HIPAA.


Get in touch with our US based team of fax experts

We'll help you assess your fax needs and determine the best solution for your business.

+1 (888) 966-4922
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