Getting Started Checklist

Whether you're a new user or an existing one looking for a refresher, our comprehensive guides are designed to help you get up and running quickly and easily. From step-by-step instructions to helpful tips and tricks, our guides cover everything you need to know to start using mFax with confidence.


Set up Domain & Branding

To get started with your WL account, the first step is to set up a custom domain and branding by following the instructions provided in our setup guide. Custom domains and branding allow you to customize the look and feel of the platform to reflect your brand.


Customize Account Settings

To make sure your account is configured to your liking, navigate to the account settings page and adjust the various settings available like email notifications, Caller ID, and more. Read our complete article on best practices for tips on what to settings you might want to adjust.

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Add Users

To grant access to another user, you can easily add them to the account by navigating to the Users tab and clicking New User. Please note that in this step, you are adding a user to your reseller account - we will go over adding users to subaccounts in a few steps.

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Manage Numbers

To manage fax numbers in your account, you can provision new numbers, port existing ones, and assign them to users by accessing the fax number management section of your account dashboard as an admin.

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Run Reports

To keep track of usage and ensure costs are under control, you can run fax usage reports on subaccounts as an admin, giving you insights into how each subaccount is utilizing the fax service.

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Mission complete! If you had any trouble with the steps above, reach out to our support team so we can give you a hand.

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