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Choose a plan that fits your business needs

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When you require more than 50+ users and pages volume seems unlimited

We will help you get the right solution for your business


Email to Fax
Custom Fields
Fax to Email
Fax Bridges
Fax Viewer
Team Management
OCR (unlimited)
Fax History
Shared Inbox
Portal Faxing
Portal Faxing
Custom Pricing
Reseller Tools
(branding, limits, domains)
Volume Discounts
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Interested in Developing an Application with our Product?

Click the button below to learn about our Fax API

Here are a few things you might want to ask us about

Didn't find an answer? You can go to our Help center or contact us by email

Help centerSend an email
Ask us anything!

Can I try out your product before deciding to purchase?

Absolutely. We offer a 14 day free trial (with full functionality) on all of our subscription plans. We encourage you to take us for a spin and see why we are the #1 online fax service in terms of performance, reliability, and customer service.

How soon will I be able to send/receive faxes after I sign up?

Immediately. Your account is created immediately upon signing up and your are given a Toll-Free virtual fax number. You will be able to send and receive faxes directly from your email or through the Documo Web Portal.

Do I have to sign any contracts to get the best pricing?

Nope. Our monthly subscriptions are just that. Month by month. There is no obligation and you can cancel at any time. Should you need to cancel we make the process simple and straightforward. We do offer annual plans at a discounted rate. Our business model is to retain our loyal customers by offering a great product at a great price. Just like we say on our pricing page. No Contracts. No Set Up Fees. No Gimmicks. We mean it.

Is your service HIPAA compliant?

Yes. mFax is built with enterprise-class security and compliance features. Learn more about how we secure your data and how we help with HIPAA compliance. We are also willing to sign a BAA. Please contact us if you need a BAA or have other custom needs.

Can I keep my current fax number?

Yes. Simply fill out our LOA for a port request and we will submit it to your current carrier on your behalf. If accepted the process usually takes 7-10 business days. There is a one time $15 charge to port your number. Note: some competing companies and/or carriers hold numbers "hostage" and can make the process difficult. By law they are required to release the number to you but they don't always comply. We will never hold your number hostage. It's yours and are free to take it with you if you ever decide to leave.

Can I fax internationally

Yes. If you want to enable international outbound faxing, you’ll need to request that we enable this feature within your account. Once set up, faxing internationally is simple.


Get in touch with our US based team of fax experts

We'll help you assess your fax needs and determine the best solution for your business.

+1 (888) 966-4922

Choose a plan that fits your business needs

mFax's developer-friendly API is built on RESTful architecture and easily integrates into your existing applications, systems, and workflows for a seamless fax experience.

Start testing the mFax API in minutes

mFax's simple & scalable API solution built for developers

Curl code sample

curl  -X POST ''  
-H 'Authorization: Basic YOUR API KEY' 
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data'  
-F 'recipientFax=12345678900' 
-F 'coverPage=true'  
-F 'recipientName=John Snow'
-F 'subject=Winter is coming'  
-F 'notes=This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter' 
-F ' =@/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf'

Curl code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

Ruby code sample

require 'net/http' , require  'uri'
uri  =  URI . parse ( "https : //" )  request  =  Net: : HTTP: :
Post . new (uri)  request . content_ type  = "multipart/form-data"
request[ "Authorization" ] = "Basic YOUR API KEY" request . set_form_data( 
"recipientFax" => "12345678900",  "coverPage" => "true", "recipientName" => "John
Snow" , "subject" => "Winter is coming" ,  "notes"  =>  "This fax is gonna let you
know about the coming winter ''  ''  =>  "@/home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf " , 
reg options = {
use ssl: uri.scheme ==  "https", 
response =  http. request  (request), puts response.   read  .  .  /common/templates  _layout

Ruby code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

Phyton code sample

import  requests
|  url  =  "',
headers  =  {
'Authorization':'Basic YOUR API KEY',' Content-Type ':' multipart/form-data '  ,
data  =  [
('recipientFax','12345678900') , ' ( ' coverPage ' ,   true ) ,
(  ' recipientName ' ,  'John Snow '  ) ,  ' (  ' subiect ' ,  ' Winter is coming '  ) ,  
( ' notes ' ,  ' This
fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter '
files  =  [
( " ' ,  open ( ' /home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf '  ' rb '  ) ) ,
requests . post ( url,   headers=headers ,  data=data ,  files=files ) ,

Phyton code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

PHP code sample

$ client   =   new   http \ Client;
$ request   =   new http \ Client \ Request;

$body  =  new http\Message\Body;
$body -> addForm(array(  "recipientFax'  =>  '12345678900', 
' recipientName ' => 'John Snow' ,  ' subject '   => ' Winter is coming' , 
'notes' => This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter ), array(
'name' => ' '
'type' => null,
'file' => ' /home/vlad/Downloads/Winter.pdf ' , 
"data' => null
) ) ;
$request -> setRequesturl( ' ' ) ; $request -
> setRequestMethod (   'POST'   )  ; $request -> setBody ( $body ) ;
$request -> setHeaders ( array (
'Authorization' => ' Basic YOUR API KEY "  ) ) ;
$client->enqueue  (  $request)->send( ) ; $response = $client -> getResponse ( ) ;
echo $response -> getBody ( ) ;  

PHP code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

Node.js code sample

const fs = require ( " fs " ) ;
const request = require ("request")
let fileName ="/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf"
request ( {
method: ' POST ',  url : ' https :  / /', headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic YOUR API KEY', ' content-type ' : ' multipart / form-data '
formData: {
recipientFax: '12345678900', coverPage: true, recipientName: 'John Snow' ,
subject: 'Winter is coming ' ,  notes: ' This fax is gonna let you know about the
coming winter' ;
files:  {
value: fs.createReadStream(fileName),  options: {

filename: fileName contenTType: 'application/pdf"
} , function (  error, response,  body )  { 
'console. log (body);  }  )  ;

Node.js code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

Here are a few things you might want to ask us about

Didn't find an answer? You can go to our Help center or contact us by email

Help centerSend an email
Ask us anything!

Can I try out your product before deciding to purchase?

Absolutely. We offer a 14 day free trial (with full functionality) on all of our subscription plans. We encourage you to take us for a spin and see why we are the #1 online fax service in terms of performance, reliability, and customer service.

How soon will I be able to send/receive faxes after I sign up?

Immediately. Your account is created immediately upon signing up and your are given a Toll-Free virtual fax number. You will be able to send and receive faxes directly from your email or through the Documo Web Portal.

Do I have to sign any contracts to get the best pricing?

Nope. Our monthly subscriptions are just that. Month by month. There is no obligation and you can cancel at any time. Should you need to cancel we make the process simple and straightforward. We do offer annual plans at a discounted rate. Our business model is to retain our loyal customers by offering a great product at a great price. Just like we say on our pricing page. No Contracts. No Set Up Fees. No Gimmicks. We mean it.

Is your service HIPAA compliant?

Yes. mFax is built with enterprise-class security and compliance features. Learn more about how we secure your data and how we help with HIPAA compliance. We are also willing to sign a BAA. Please contact us if you need a BAA or have other custom needs.

Can I keep my current fax number?

Yes. Simply fill out our LOA for a port request and we will submit it to your current carrier on your behalf. If accepted the process usually takes 7-10 business days. There is a one time $15 charge to port your number. Note: some competing companies and/or carriers hold numbers "hostage" and can make the process difficult. By law they are required to release the number to you but they don't always comply. We will never hold your number hostage. It's yours and are free to take it with you if you ever decide to leave.

Can I fax internationally

Yes. If you want to enable international outbound faxing, you’ll need to request that we enable this feature within your account. Once set up, faxing internationally is simple.


of our customers stay for life


Get in touch with our US based team of fax experts

We'll help you assess your fax needs and determine the best solution for your business.

+1 (888) 966-4922

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